Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Lately I have been spending a lot of time to my self. I'm the type of person who likes to stay busy,have a million different tasks going on in order to feel normal. Always on my phone,emails,calls,music on..that kind of thing. I hate feeling stressed,but I LOVE it and need it at the same time. {if that makes any sense}
As I sit here alone, in a quiet room I begin to think,meditate on my life, my hopes,dreams,fears and I pray. I've been praying and meditating for a few weeks now and I must say I feel at peace with my self. It's good to take a step back and just think. Hear what your heart has to say and let your mind wander.
I can't help but miss those I left behind; friends,family,career. All to try and search for my self,who I am and who I want to become. I definitely took some things and people for granted.
Example A:
Parents: Being able to stop by my parents house anytime to visit,chat & raid the fridge and feel at home no matter what.
Being able to pick up left overs from my moms amazing cooking she had done that day and so kindly saved some for me to eat.
Example B:
Siblings: Spending time with my siblings, watching a movie,asking my genius little brother to help me download new songs to my ipod, God knows how he does it. I sure don't.
I constantly got annoyed or bored , just imagine a 22 year old && 15 year old brothers,together? Ummm recipe for drama,drama,drama. 
And can I just quickly mention, how much they eat?! Umm they can each eat a cow. No joke. I'm like, how in the world are you going to finish a blender full of protein shake. FULL. To the very top of the blender. No cup necessary according to my little brother Josue. 
Example C:  Babysitting my niece & nephew. I have an adorable,gorgeous niece  named Dannika && a gorgeous,ham of a boy named Skyler. Dannika is two, full of life and energy.  I sure miss her the most, she loves to feed our family  beta fish named Paco & she also loves feeding our yorkie Cleo. At times I got frustrated running around after her and being exhausted. I miss her yelling "Tia Anea", stretching out her hand so I'd take her to the back yard and play on the swings. Her favorite, driving around with her as she points out all the cows and horses out on the field on the way to grandpa's shop.  She always said Abaco, for caballo in spanish which means horse. Ha even when I'm by myself I smile and think there's the abaco ,Dannika would love it.She loves animals {I'm getting emotional} moving on..
^^ But can you blame me?! She's the cutest && OMG her outfits, I die. She has the best personality && sense of fashion. [look at that scarf!]
Example D:
Dad,what can I say I'm a daddy's girl!
Stopping by my dad's shop and getting my oil changed,car cleaned and  checked before any major trip or just around town.  Because I'm the world's WORST keeping up with your car maintenance besides gas kind of person && sometimes I even fail at that. And did I mention for FREE?!
Example E:
Friends: Being able to call any of them to chat,gossip or meet up for happy hour that isn't the local " Applebees". I can't even make a phone call, my cell doesn't have service here.  NO network, actually. I have AT&T. The world's largest  provider? What??? Yeah I call that,bullshit. Raising the bar AT&T? Please raise it a little higher because here in Wyoming, it sure ain't working.
Like the accent I've acquired so far? ;) 
&& the little cuss word.
Ya that's Wyoming.
So today hug your loved one a little tighter,tell them how much you love them and appreciate them, don't let the everyday life get in the way of what's really important.
Tell them now,in person, while you can,every chance you can.
Because some day you won't be able to just  feel "at home".
Xoxo,Andrea Sarai

Sunday, October 20, 2013

.do-it-yourself project. wine cork photo frame.

Hello loves!

So I've had these wine corks for quite some time and I finally have the idea/spare time to put them to use.

Here's what you'll need:

Wine corks.
Photo frame [any size will do] && [depending on how many corks you have]
Hot glue gun
Scissors ? I didn't really use them!
A clean,neat area to work... I used a flat card board box to work on.

Let's get started:
What I did is I arranged the corks how I liked them on the frame, and one by one started gluing them on slowly, adding pressure to make sure they stay properly secured. {THIS IS ON THE BACK OF A FRAME!}
* You can cut them in half with a knife, I'm a weak,weak cutter so I couldn't  && I liked the 3D look better on it.
I did have to cut some edges to make sure it fit perfectly! With the little end of the cork I added the flower sticker & used it to hold the picture in place.

Hope this helps & you guys try it!!
So fun && easy!! Post your looks on instagram && tag me #sarai1245

Xoxo, Andrea Sarai

Season's Greetings! Fall my FAVORITE time of the year!!

Hi dolls!!

Sorry I've been a little absent from my blogs lately, with all the moving && stress that comes along with that it's been a little tough.

BUT I'm back && ready to share with you some of my decor ideas I made/have around my casa.

I'm OBSESSED with wreaths!! I think they're so cute and it really says a lot about your personality && your home. So I started making them about a year and half ago and got hooked , it's so simple,fun and it adds character to your lovely home.

Here's a few things I picked up for my home decor.

Happy Halloween banner from Jo Ann's Fabric

Wreath made by me,items from Jo Ann's Fabric
The wreath I made using mesh from Jo Ann's fabric,ribbons,and items to add onto it,stickers I got from Walmart [don't mind the wine or febreeze] also some obsessions of mine ;]

I've just been so happy with my little condo and can't wait to show you the rest of my decorated home.

Hope you guys enjoy!!
Xoxo, Andrea Sarai

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I lean like a Chola... Easy diy Halloween makeup look inspired by Orange is the new black!

Hello dolls! This look was inspired by the new show orange is the new black, cuz I love it.

Anyway let's get started,  for this look you'll need :

  • A dark palette of eye shadows.
  • A bandanna, any color you have available 
  • Big hoop earrings 
  • Brown eyebrow pencil 
  • Liquid eyeliner
  • Shiny silver like gloss.
  • Glue stick
  • Concealer

To create the best look, you'll want to cover your own eyebrows and conceal them using a glue stick & concealer.

* Refer to the previous post on how to cover your own brows*

Prime your face && apply foundation,concealer like normal, you can add a few layers since this is a heavier Halloween makeup.

Using a dark brown brow pencil draw your brows. This can be difficult , but BE CREATIVE any shape you want can work for this look.

Apply dark black shadow all over your lid, and on top of your real brow you  concealed, make sure to pad it down so the glue doesn't come off.

Add another dark color,I used a dark green aqua color on the crease,working the color upwards.
Add liquid eyeliner to your lash line and apply pencil eye liner to your water line, contour and highlight the face.

 I decided to add some fake tattoos, I drew on some tear drops with liquid black eye liner && some little dots on the other side of my temples.

Using the same eyebrow pencil, line your lips heavily. Apply  concealer all over your lips, add a gloss and op it off with a light pink eye shadow in the middle of the lips to create an illusion and plumper looking lips.

Throw on your bandanna && hoops && you're set to go!

Hope this was helpful && you guys try it!
'til next time, xoxo  Andrea Sarai
 && remember to follow me on instagram @sarai1245 & subscribe!

Easy diy creepy doll halloween makeup tutorial.

Hi dolls!!

I'm SO excited to share this new Halloween makeup look.
It's easy && the supplies you'll need are probably around your house right now!

Tools you'll need:

  • Glue stick.
  • Fake eyelashes 2 pairs [for bottom && top lashes]
  • concealer lighter then your skin color
  • a set on pink shadows
  • liquid black eyeliner 
  • eyelash glue 
  • cotton pads 
  • red lipstick 
Okay first things first.
To create a better illusion cover your eyebrows && create a new set.
Start by combing your eyebrows upwards with a spooly.
Apply glue to your brows in a upward motion. then comb it out to the side shaping your brow. LET IT DRY!!! && repeat the same process on the other brow!
that's what the brow looks like after the glue.

Now after the brows are dry, you want to get about a dime size of glue,make it a little ball,starting at the base of your brow and drag it all the way with a little spatula or spoon. LET IT DRY COMPLETELY [like 5 mins].  

After that's done apply the lightest concealer you have  onto your brows patting it in, layers && layers til you get the desired look.
this is what the look like {scary, I know]
  • Add heavy powder on top of the brows [i used studio fix by mac] && start drawing on brows to the desired shape you'd like. 

  • Now apply a base shadow all over the lid. I used a light white one on my victoria secret pallete.
  • Apply a black shadow all over the lid on top of the base,patting it in.
  • Apply a dark pink shadow using upward motions, on top of the black & repeat with a light pink.
  • Apply a light white shadow to the brow bone on the "brow" you created.
  • Apply liquid eyeliner && lashes && add mascara after to create a heavier,dramatic look.
  • With white liner run it on your water line and on the bottom of your lashes creating a half circle.
  • Add [patting in] white shadow on top of the liner.
  • Trace around the half circle with black liner.
  • Add lashes to the bottom of the half circle. [fold them inwards]
  • Apply pink blush to the apples of your cheeks.
  • NOW the FUN part. 

To create the creepy mouth I used eyelash glue && cotton pads. [yes,cotton pads]
using a little brush create a line with eyelash glue to the desired size you want the mouth scar to be.
pull apart cotton pads and add little pieces to the line to create the scar look, after the whole thing is covered apply little dabs of glue to secure it. LET IT DRY! 
Now add foundation,I used liquid foundation and patted it in all over. Let it dry ... with a red lip stick & a little brush add the middle line on the scar. with liquid eyeliner add the little stitches how ever many you want to create the look.
Contour your face and add brown eye shadow at the end of the scar to create the dimple look effect.
Put concealer all over your lips, and create small doll like lips with a pink lip liner, and add on the middle a pop a light eye shadow.

That's it dolls, hope you liked this look && try it out!!
Remember to subscribe && follow me on instagram @sarai1245